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沉浸在星球阿尔法的美丽和致命的世界与星球阿尔法原声带。由作曲家Sid Barnhoorn演唱《阿尔法星球》中的40首歌曲。
1 Wounded2 Foreboding
3 Awakening
4 Discovery
5 Nightflow
6 Signs of an Ancient Civilisation
7 Map of the Planet
8 The Invasion
9 Into the Forest
10 Nightbloom
11 A Dark Presence
12 Instruments of Destruction
13 Bug Nest
14 The Queen
15 Critters
16 The Obelisk
17 Celestial Conjunctions
18 Pastures
19 Enemies
20 Robots
21 The Other Dimension
22 Reflection
23 The Pyramid
24 Portal to the Sky
25 The Floating Islands I
26 The Floating Islands II
27 The Floating Islands III
28 The Floating Islands IV
29 The Floating Islands V
30 The Floating Islands VI
31 Whale Hunt
32 Deadly Foes
33 Robots in the Nest
34 Lava Cave
35 Crystal Cave
36 Below
37 Sky Gate
38 Wasteland
39 The Destroyer of Worlds
40 Memoires of an Ancient World