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Mare Nostrum is the newest expansion to Paradox Development Studio’s best-selling historical grand strategy game, Europa Universalis IV. You now have even more tools at your disposal as you guide your nation through the early modern world. As its name suggests, Mare Nostrum introduces new systems connected to naval warfare and control of trade. The power of your fleets will depend on the number of sailors your nation can gather, and your ships can now be given missions and areas to patrol. There are also new options for creating trade leagues, and a host of other improvements.
Main Features
This is a new diplomatic action, where you can ask other nations for their map of a certain region.
New mission system makes it easier to send your fleets to a region, and expect them to survive.
North African Muslim states can raid the coastlines of their neighbors for gold and sailors.
Merchant republics can recruit minor nations into their Trade League for common defense and, more importantly, common riches.
Nations can rent their armies out to fight in other people’s wars, earning valuable coin for the realm.